This page features meanings within each Rune, 1-25, plus reversed Runes.

The Runes are presented here for fun and entertainment, not for divination.

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Meanings Within The Rune Stones

These are the major five words associated with each rune when it is drawn from

your bag of stones, both upright and reversed (rev.):

Look at a diagram to see which rune is #1, #2, etc.

1 = mannaz = man, true, body, real-focus...(rev.) = man, true, emotion, self-thinker

2 = gebo = partner, friend, relationship, good-feelings

3 = ansuz = changes, opinions, other, nice-advice...(rev.) = changes, opinions, listener, safe-advice

4 = othila = discard, way, old, family-idea...(rev.) = discard, way, old, depart-friendly

5 = uruz = power, good, preparing, make-change...(rev.) = power, good, challenges, major-change

6 = perth = knowledge, start, decision, hidden-desires...(rev.) = knowledge, desire, expectation, major-changes

7 = nauthiz = shadow, setback, positive, look-back...(rev.) = shadow, setback, serious, nice-cleansing

8 = inguz = complete, spiritual, success, finish-project

9 = eihwaz = actions, business, progress, make-decision

10 = algiz = prevent, attitude, spirited, true-opportunity...(rev.) = prevent, attitude, spirited, jealous-people

11 = fehu = earn, save, successful, receive-rewards...(rev.) = loss, reduced, disappearing, negative-progress

12 = wunjo = happy, practice, friendly, very-good...(rev.) = lost, changes, errors, serious-challenges

13 = jera = year, work, hard, nice-job

14 = kano = open, hear, meditate, best-pathway...(rev.) = dying, end, manager, move-forward

15 = teiwaz = war, battle, active, self-confident...(rev.) = war, battle, justice, active-job

16 = berkana = loving, caring, serious, safe-cleansing...(rev.) = loving, caring, desires, major-events

17 = ehwaz = movement, action, goal, best-direction...(rev.) = movement, action, directions, serious-attitude

18 = laguz = river, cleansed, instinct, positive-flow...(rev.) = river, cleansed, instinct, true-advice

19 = hagalaz = disruptions, beginnings, drama, positive-changes

20 = raido = radio, opinion, transit, 2-suggestions...(rev.) = radio, opinion, disruptions, 2-suggestions

21 = thurisaz = doorlock, discovery, thorn, back-stabber...(rev.) = doorlock, rush, postpone, take-time

22 = dagaz = construction, transformations, neat, safe-job

23 = isa = stopped, help, shuffle, a-standstill

24 = sowelu = sunrise, great, cheerful, good-idea

25 = odin = curious, empty, complex, unanswered-questions


For more information on how to use these meanings
in your own version of playing with the Runes
click here:

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